Phosphorus Supplements

Phosphorus is Necessary for the reproductive system, Essential for bone and brain, Vital for muscle tissue, Necessary for growth, Stimulates sexual function, Present in the white blood cells, Essential nerve nutrient. Phosphorus is synonymous with intelligence. It's found in the nucleus of each cell in the human body, it's also found in body fluids and in solid tissue. A person weighing about 150 pounds contains approximately two pounds of phosphorus in their body. Phosphorus is the nutrient that comprises the outer bone and combines with several other elements such as iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. These phosphates are essential to animal and plant life. Phosphorus is necessary in the synthesis of RNA and DNA and it is important for bone and teeth construction. Phosphorus improves bone density and nutrition of nervous system tissue. When supplied in proper quantity phosphorus enhances the reproductive organs, autonomic nervous system, ganglia, brain and other nerve networks. In conjunction with other elements it can strengthen tissue integrity, function and metabolism. The proper amounts of phosphorus ensure a balance of the acid/alkaline ration in the digestive juices, blood and the distribution of liquid throughout the tissues. Plasma phosphorus functions as a buffer to maintain the delicate acid-base balance in the body. It increases the number of red blood corpuscles and improves tissue nutrition.