Liquid Manganese Supplement
What are the health effects of Manganese?
Manganese is the element that is often found in combination with lecithin. Lecithin is a brain and nerve fat. Manganese gives us strong nerves, coordination of thoughts and produces elasticity with quick recuperative ability. This element is required for bone metabolism and in many enzyme reactions.
Manganese functions in the body: Controls nerves, Element in the body linings and connective tissues, Increases eyesight, Enhances the body's own recuperative powers, Improves memory, Enhances resistance.
As an essential part of the biochemical reactions that affect bone, cartilage, brain function and energy supply. Manganese is indicated as a deficiency in a wide variety of ailments. "Manganese, has a definite impact on a person's mental activities, and if the mental faculties are to remain well balanced and under control rather than unruly and chaotic, manganese must be balanced and supplied in proper quantities." 54 Manganese is required for bone metabolism and in many enzyme reactions. Jeanne Freeland-Graves, R.D., Ph.D. states that, "This is one mineral that you will definitely be hearing more about in the future."
Manganese is the element that is often found in combination with lecithin. "Manganese is an essential element concentrated in the tissues of the bones, liver, pituitary gland, kidney, pancreas, spleen, heart, brain, and intestines. Manganese improves eyesight. Manganese also helps Iron carry oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body, thereby promoting tissue respiration." 55 According to Dr. Carl C. Pfeiffer manganese is needed in the formation of thyroxin which is produced by the thyroid gland. Manganese is also indicated for successfully helping those suffering from schizophrenia. Manganese is part of the entire brain system and is used whenever any of our mental faculties are utilized.
Manganese makes up part of a molecule known as mucopoly-saccharides. These molecules are used to form collagen, the strong, fibrous connective material that builds tissues throughout the body, including bone and cartilage, the rubbery cushioning found where bones meet. The mesh of collagen is the framework on which calcium, magnesium and other bone hardening minerals are deposited. "Manganese is used in energy production and is required for normal bone growth and for reproduction. In addition, it is used in the formation of cartilage and synovial (lubricating) fluid of the joints. It is also necessary for the synthesis of bone." 56
Manganese is found in the bloodstream. It is metabolized in a similar way as iron. It carries oxygen from the lungs to the cell yet it is different than iron as it is not hematinic. Manganese is part of the proper development of the structure of the fragile ear bones and joint cartilage. Although manganese is only found in small amounts in the body it is vital and if it is missing it is impossible to maintain good health unless it is replaced. "Repetitive Stress Injury or Repetitive Motion Syndrome now costs corporate America $20 billion dollars per year and accounts for 56% of the 331,600 gradual onset work related illnesses. In 1991 orthopedic surgeons performed 100,000 Carpal Tunnel operation (at $4,000 per surgery) with lost work, wages and medical cost of over $29,000 per case." 57
Manganese also influences the intestinal tract lining, biliary lining, laryngeal passages, excretory duct of the liver, the ovaries and the linings of the generative organs. It has a positive effect on the libido of men and women. Women who have PMS or menstrual cramps usually need both calcium and manganese. When researchers analyzed women's premenstrual symptoms, they noticed a clear pattern: Most women reported much less severe symptoms when they followed a diet high in both calcium and manganese.