ppm Conversion

What is ppm?
Short for Parts Per Million
Liters of minerals have a concentration in a ratio form, or how many parts of the fluid are mineral to the total volume.
ml / Liter = ppmTo fully compare strength of minerals, you must understand how they are measured.
Here is the method for converting (ppm) Parts per Million to Milligrams (mg)
ppm / 200 = mg per teaspoon
Calcium Example:
Angstrom Calcium has 1500 ppm.
So 1500/200=7.5 mg of calcium per Teaspoon.
To understand fully the benefit of angstrom minerals, you must understand how daily allowance was calculated. A long time a go when the FDA decided to make the recommended Daily allowance (RDA) for vitamins and minerals, they did not have Angstrom Minerals to test. They used tablets and possibly capsules. Now tablets with their minimal surface area are hard to digest. At times, you may even see a tablet come out in the toilet. Smash a mineral together tightly and you form a ROCK!
Capsules are much better than tablets. The mineral in side is finer and has more surface area for the stomach acid to work on. However, it still depends on the compound of the mineral in side.
So the FDA tested these minerals and calculated the content that actually got into the blood stream. You can absorb about 5% to 7% of these kinds of minerals. So to get 35 mg of mineral into your body, you have to take 500 mg. That is at the best absorption rate of 7%. Most of us have poor digestion so the absorption rate is much less.
So if you needed 35 mg of some regular mineral and you absorbed 7% you took a 500 mg capsule or tablet. Angstrom Minerals are pure minerals not compounds. Since Angstrom Minerals are 99.9% absorbable or useable mineral, you would only need to take enough to equal 35 mg to meet the RDA.

Ok, so you are familiar with how many milligrams a day you need. So what is this ppm? It stands for parts per million. That is how you measure the concentration of the mineral in the water. milligrams is a little misleading because it is usually the weight of the capsule and not all of that weight is mineral.
When I worked in a vitamin factory, I discovered the truth. 500 mg of calcium may or may not be 500 mg of calcium. It might be 450 mg of calcium and 50 mg of magnesium stearate or some other flow agent for encapsulation. At the factory where I worked, we would make the customer go to the next size capsule so that the capsule would have all of the mineral that they claimed. Not every one is that honest. Make sure you read how much of the weight of the capsule is actually the mineral you are seeking for.
The next thing you need to know is that mineral tablets are hard and might not even dissolve. They might end up in the toilet. Capsules are better. But even at best, most mineral capsules get a 5% to 7% absorption. So if you take 500 mg of a mineral, you really only get 25 mg to 35 mg of that mineral absorbed into the body.
Angstrom minerals are different. You get 99.9 % of the mineral absorbed into the body because it is angstrom size. For more info on angstrom see What is angstrom.